Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Working and friendships...

OK, so you can see from my lack of posting, my business has dominated once again! I really love what I do but it makes time fly so quickly.

Since being in business my life has changed.

One certain area I have noticed is my friends. I have now realised that most of the friends I have actually are those who either work in high powered jobs or have their own businesses.

This is not because I chose my friends in this way, but more due to the fact that they understand the pressures and commitments I have to adhere to, in order to run a successful business.

For example, if I can't make a lunch date because of work commitments it is more likely a friend in a similar situation would understand, where as a friend who doesn't actually have a long term job just wouldn't be very reasonable... and this has happened many a time.

I have two great friends (the girls) featured in the above photo Hayley and Caroline. Hayley has her own business and is due to start a second business with me later on in the year and Caroline has a very high powered job working for Dawson Energy who send out engineers to the wind turbines offshore. Both are dear friends to me and share my passion for business.

Since winning my award I have had some trouble with relationships, whether it is jealously or mis-understanding - I don't know. But should you really have to pay the price for being successful?

I would like to thank all of my true friends for sticking by me, as it means a lot though the hard times and the fun ones! 

Let me know you thoughts... 

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